Thursday, September 04, 2008

Sorry, for I'm not being able to update this blog regularly. Life just gets so busy! As I promised, here you go.... the pictures taken on the Convocation Day:-

They are the reason behind this achievement!

The moment when I lost my, I just grabbed
dunno whose one with hair clips on it!

Part of my coursemates

Bestest friends!

With our all-time-favourite's lecturer, Mr Rizal.

Actually, ade video masa saya on stage tapi, dlm vcd format. Tak sempat nak edit, kalau nak upload the whole video kang panjang sangat la pulak. Nanti-nanti la yeh... Saat yang paling best sekali selain dari terima scroll ialah masa kami menyanyikan lagu 'Permata Dunia' dengan penuh semangat sambil menghayunkan scroll ke udara. Syahdu betul time tu, saya hampir-hampir menitiskan air mata...hampir je, belum nangis lagi okey! =D
Sesungguhnya saat itu merupakan saat yang paling bermakna buat seseorang yang bergelar graduan! =)

'To all MMU Graduates 2008.... Happy Convocation! May the best be with us forever...'

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